Friday, August 7, 2015

Day 7 Part 2: VBS [LAST DAY]

Jim and Lauren finish plastering the walls of the new cabin!

Jeff weatherproofing the boards fro the new cabin

The women are finishing up their week long project of sanding!

Last day at VBS

Day 7 Part 1: The 5AM Hike

Mile and a Half Later...

Began at 4:40 AM / Finished at 8:30 AM

Day 6: Work & VBS

Virginia wishing Alex, a member of the team from Fargo,
a safe journey into the jungle!
Myra trying her first time at plaster!

Maddie, Jim, and Berkeley gardening!

Everyone hopped onto the back of Ryan's truck to go to VBS!

Virginia painting the nails of a VBS go'er!

Christian explaining the rules of the game at VBS!

Water balloon toss at VBS

Andy & Jonathan leading worship!

Ryan and Michael putting on a skit for VBS!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Day 5: More Painting and Challenges (High Ropes, Mega Swing, Rock Wall)

 Berkeley on top of her sister's, Maddie, shoulders painting the steps

Finishing touches here at the church!

Chad adding the last bit of paint to the walls

Myra as she is on the high ropes course!

Kyle and Lauren taking a break on the most challenging course

Jeff as he swings from 25 feet in the air!

Diana as she is lifted to the top of the swing!

Michael stopping Jeff after the swing

Berkeley high in the air!

Celebrating two birthdays (Alex from Fargo, and Diana from Westover) at the camp on 8/5/2015, Diana is very happy as Ryan brings out her gluten free cake (which was delicious!)

Saying goodbye to the Ecuadorian local boys who helped out at VBS!

Michael, one of the interns, suspended upon the rock wall

Virginia attempts and makes it to the top!

Audrey as she is ready to climb!