Friday, July 9, 2010

Prayer requests for the week

Saturday, July 10th - This is our travel day to Ecuador.

-Please pray that we will be a blessing to each person that we come into contact with in the airport and on the airplanes.

-Pray that we will respond to any frustrations with a grace that makes others homesick for what we have.

-Pray for unity on our team as we will spend more than 12 hours in transit

Sunday, July 11 - This is our day of rest. We will attend an Ecuadorian church and go through an orientation of the camp.

-Please pray that we will spend time individually and corporately in prayer and preparation for the week that is ahead of us.

-Pray that we will be an encouragement to the missionary couple that is hosting us – Juan Carlos and Courtney Cevallos.

Monday, July 12 - This will be our first full day at the camp. We will spend some time with the Ecuadorian family that we will be serving alongside and will learn how the camp reaches out to the community around it.

-Pray that we will be able to show the love of Christ to this family through our words and actions.

-Pray that as the kids see and learn about the ministry at the camp, they’ll develop a passion for missions and be able to see God’s heart for the nations.

Tuesday, July 13 - Wednesday, July 14th – These will be full work days. We just learned this past week that we will be building a climbing wall instead of concrete steps.

-Pray for servants’ hearts—that we’ll seek to go above and beyond to help in any way.

-Pray that the work will be something that everyone will be involved in, and that the families will grow closer as they serve together.

-Pray for our attitudes as we may be facing culture shock and tiredness from the work/ altitude (9000ft).

-Pray for the oldest daughter of the Ecuadorian family, Priscilla, since she has plans to go to seminary.

Thursday, July 15 - Friday, July 16 – We will also spend two days serving a local church and doing activities with Compassion International kids.

-Pray that we will show the love of the Father to these kids who do not know their earthly fathers.

-Pray that God will raise up at least one of the kids on our team to one day become a long-term missionary.

Saturday, July 17th - We will spend our last morning at the local church, eating breakfast with some of the older kids, before heading into Quito (the capital of Ecuador) to spend the day.

-Pray that we will be a blessing to each person that we interact with and that we will be able to share the Gospel with some of the people that we meet.

Sunday, July 18th - This will be our second day of rest. We will attend a local church, then spend a couple of hours at a tourist locale in Quito.

-Pray that we will not forget why we are in Ecuador and that even on this day of rest, we will learn more deeply about God’s heart for the lost. Pray that we will intentionally focus on the Lord and break through cultural barriers in our conversations with Ecuadorians.

Monday, July 19th - This will be our last workday (on the climbing wall) and we will serve alongside the Ecuadorian family.

-Pray that we will finish strong.

Sunday, July 20th - We will spend all day in transit back to Greensboro.

-Pray for us as we reflect on all that the Lord has done in us and through us.


  1. We will be following you in prayer and trust that you will meet the Lord and feel HIS presence as you serve. We are thankful for your willingness to serve HIM.

  2. My special prayer will be that the team will be open to receive as much as to give, to see the beauty and goodness in the people of Ecuador, and to acknowledge our common sharing in the love that God has for all God's children. I pray that your guiding purpose will be to be Christ to those you seek to serve. The blessings to all will far exceed your expectations.
