Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We are back! Our flight from Miami arrived into Greensboro last night about 9:30 pm. Our team was thrilled that we have had a successful 10 days of ministry, and after a final prayer at the airport with Pastor Lynn and Judy Everswick, we said our good-bye's and headed home.

The Lord has been good this past 10 days (as always!) and provided us with many individual opportunities to spread Christ's love to the Ecuadorian people. The entire trip went so smoothly that it seemed to clearly indicate that the Lord's hand was on us. Praise Him!

Our final full day at the camp was on Monday, July 19th. According to the camp - El Refugio tradition, a group of us woke up at 3:45 am to hike to the top of the mountain to see the sunrise at 6am. Although incredibly challenging, the final view and relationships built during this time made the hike worth it.

After we returned, we ate breakfast and spent time at El Refugio's treehouse (think Smith Family Robinson) for a time of debriefing. In the afternoon, we helped to raise the second of three towers that El Refugio plans to use for their 40 foot rock climbing wall. The process went so smoothly that we decided to name it the "Miracle Tower". :)

The evening finished with a meal of hot dogs and baked guinea pig. Yep, no lie. They cooked us a whole guinea pig, head and everything. Very interesting meal and not for the faint of heart.

We really felt that there was a long term impact made on this trip...
-One of the kids that went with us said that she wants to become a missionary to Ecuador!
-Of the Ecuadorian family, we helped to connect the father to a 6 month job with a local church to keep him in a good environment where he can further separate himself from the friends of his past who pulled him down into the alcohol addiction.
-We were able to play a key role in building the ampitheater and climbing wall, which will produce long-term discipleship opportunities in the lives of kids.
-We may never fully know some of the other long-term impacts on our lives and the lives of those we touched. We were simply able to plant the seeds and we pray that the Lord will water them.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and financial support to make this trip possible!

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